Monitor Anything Almost Anywhere

Running on batteries for years, Skyhawk PRIoT™ gateways let you harvest data from anywhere there’s a cell signal

Using state-of-the-art wake-on-radio and proprietary power management algorithms, Skyhawk has cut the power requirements of sub-GHz RF/cellular gateways to 1/1000th of that of other technologies, allow you to put gateways and sensors in places previously out of reach for IoT data collection.

Maintenance-Free Battery-Powered Operation: Run your Skyhawk PRIoT gateways and sensors for years without intervention.

Data Uptime: Get critical data when you need it, uninterrupted by power faults, with Skyhawk’s high-reliability sub-GHz sensor and cellular cloud connections.

Unparalleled Reception: Place gateways where signal is strongest, not just where there’s a plug.

Turnkey Solutions: Use our off-the-shelf gateways, sensors and full software stack, design your own solution using PRIoT modules, or leverage our full custom manufacturing capabilities.

For more information, read the Skyhawk PRIoT Platform Overview, download our white paper, or fill out the form to the right to get a conversation going.

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